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Proven ways to make money online

Hi! Here's a look at the economic situation of their country – Belarus, and more precisely, the average salary in the national statistics Committee. I understand that without additional earnings in any way. So I decided to share with my little number of inhabitants of the country.

Though, these methods of earnings on the Internet will suit also all other friendly people: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and all CIS, America, Europe, Asia. BUT! I don't promise mountains of money. I'm just saying, you can make a little bit of $100 to $300 a month. More not left me because of lack of time and perseverance. But maybe you can do more. There are examples on the Internet. To do this, you will need a Bank card Yandex Money, WebMoney and just a plastic card of the Bank of Belarus. And tired of these pseudo articles and videos, where to type, earn money online, such as $100, you have to first invest $500. And not the fact that will pay off.

For whom these methods of earnings on the Internet are more suitable

Perfect for those who are expecting a child in the last months, when already gone on maternity leave,
For young mothers. Yeah, I know you don't have time. You have to wash it, clean it, cook it, wash it and so on without end. But while dad or grandparents play 2 hours outside, you can do it,
For those who can not find a job with a decent salary, but it is called " parasite»,
For mothers without husband or without support, for students or pensioners,
When you need to spend money on rental housing in Minsk, Mogilev, Brest, Grodno, Gomel, Vitebsk and other major cities,
Who just has 2-3 hours of free time at home, on vacation or on sick leave,
For disabled people of some groups who have a laptop and Internet access. Or for those who care for the disabled,
For school-aged children to beg for money on the game from their parents. On Stream or Prem tank in World of Tanks,
Adult men playing in tanks or ships, too, will approach these methods, so as not to spend money from the family budget,
Just make money and save for vacation, "buzz" in the bar with friends, to buy a cat or dog child,
To save this money for a "black" day, if you suddenly have to quit your job,
If you live in a village where there is no work, and after the harvest season, you have nothing to do, but there is a phone\Internet\laptop.


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